Were the founding fathers really a bunch of atheist and deists???
How about ol George Washington??? Was he really a Deist??? Here is a quote from him...
'It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God or the Bible.'
George Washington
George Washington
History may not be what you think it is. In my lifetime I have seen history changed in the textbooks... a classic example would be the causes for the American Civil War... In school I was taught that economic reasons were the start of the war... and that the emancipation of slaves was to cripple the farming economy of the southern states... You figure it out... today Slavery is cited as the reason for the civil war... who does this serve?
When I was in school it was taught (truthfully with refrences and photos) that the African tribesmen raided each other and took slaves... when opportunity presented itself they sold each other to the Muslem traders who in turn sold the slaves to the Europeans who carried them to the world markets... later some Europeans skipped over the middle men and bought directly from the tribes... Study this issue you will still find plenty of sources as to its truth...
Today black kids are being recruited into the Muslim religion as the "Black alternative" to "white mans religion" something is wrong here... Islam has never been a black mans religion until just recently... it was the religion of the Slave Traders themselves...
Why is our history being re-written? Who is behind it and what do they expect to gain by it?
The reason I believe this is happening is found in the Bible... Mark 13:8 For nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.
Nation against Nation = Ethnos verses Ethnos or in todays language... Ethnic subculture against another ethnic subculture...
The next part of the verse reads Kingdom against Kingdom wich is Basileia meaning Reign or literally country under a rulers athority verses another country under another rulers authority...
Earthquakes is "seismos"... and also means huricanes and storm winds...
All of these things set the stage in the Bible for the Anti-Christ and his One World Government... Does this sound familier???
It is in someones interest to cause a climate of social unrest inside the United States and other parts of the world... and to be in the position to use this unrest... to play it like a harps strings... to control the world. To step in in the midst of the chaos and offer himself and his leadership as a solution to all the worlds problems...
Comments??? Critisism???